Friday 14 September 2012

Staple Art by Debombourg - Amazing Art

Debombourg studied sculpture at the Ecole National des Beaux Arts in Lyon and post-graduated at the Ecole National Superior des Beaux Arts in Paris. He was recently proposed in France for the prestigious PRIX MEURICE 2012/2013.

For his exhibition in September, he creates along with the title "Agony in the Garden", a series of "Aggravures", dedicated to critical and contemporary issues including Dürer’s topics referring to religion and the revelation of John.
His delicate Aggravures are "drawings" that result from using thousands of staples. An understanding of Dürer - initiated by last year's invitation to the exhibition "Ars Apocalypsis" at the Kunstverein Gütersloh - coincides with Debombourg’s interest in the mechanisms of degradation and its subsequent reorganization / creation. The derivation of the term 

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