Monday 10 September 2012

iPhone Plus

Sometime this year Apple is believed to release the new iPhone that is thought will bring a redesigned form factor to the platform, and today we have some beautiful renderings of the new iPhone courtesy of the guys over at the ADR Studio. As you can see in the images on this page and the others via the link the handset looks gorgeous and boasts a lovely 4.3-inch Retina Display that sits edge to edge across the device. The screen on the next iPhone has been debated about a lot recently with many iPhone fans wanting a larger unit, and if something like this was to emerge they would surely be happy.

ADR team has given the new iPhone a liquid metal body and have given its display In-Cell touch technology, and it also has a smaller 30-pin dock connector with a capacitive home button. The team have also given the device a Pico projector for beaming images and videos onto any surface the user wants, and camera with a ten megapixel rear shooter and a two megapixel front facing unit, and it is powered by an A6 quad core processor. The new iPhone design also has a rear mounted motion sensor.
While it’s extremely doubtful that the next iPhone from Apple will resemble this concept in any way, there is nothing wrong with dreaming. What do you think of the iPhone Plus and what ideas would you like to see on the real thing?

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