Sunday 2 September 2012

Dutch artist Berndnaut Smilde makes real clouds

Dutch artist Berndnaut Smilde makes real clouds form inside of empty rooms! He uses a fog machine and carefully adjusts the temperature and humidity to produce clouds just long enough to photograph.
An indoor cloud, made by Dutch artist Berndnaut Smilde. He uses simple smoke machine, combined with the perfect indoor moisture and dramatic lighting to create an indoor cloud effect.

 Each cloud only exists for a moment before dissipating -- if a viewer misses it, they only have photographs to look at as proof. 

 Smilde, who lived in Amsterdam, said he wanted to make the image of a typical Dutch rain cloud, inside of a space. "I imagined walking into a classical museum hall with just empty walls," he said. "There was nothing to see except for a rain cloud hanging around in the room."

 "It is the short moment in time on a specific location," said Smilde, describing how the cloud formations are fleeting. "The photo functions as a document." 

 The first exhibit featuring indoor clouds, called Nimbus, was first done by Smilde in 2010.

"I wanted to make a very clear image, an almost cliche and cartoon-like visualization of having bad luck," he said of his 2010 installation. "'Indeed there's nothing here and bullocks, it's starting to rain!'"

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